in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin
Course Schedule
Center Location: Website | Map
** Unless noted otherwise, course instructions are given in the following language(s): anglès / espanyol
S.N. Goenka l'anomenar "Dhamma Neru", Dhamma Neru significa "Muntanya Celestial del Dhamma". La Construcció del Dhamma Neru és quadrangular i s'aixeca enmig d'un terreny pla d'1,5 hectàrees. Es troba envoltat per una arboleda, amb fruiteres i arbustos ornamentals en el seu interior. Al nord s'aixeca el majestuós "Turó de l'Home" el cim més alt del *Massís del Montseny, de 1705,8 metres d'altura. El centre té capacitat per albergar a 62 estudiants, encara que la sala de meditació té una aforament per 80 persones.
- Access the application form by clicking Apply for the desired course. Old students will be given the option to serve.
- Please carefully read the Introduction to the Technique and Code of Discipline which you will be asked to follow during your course.
- Fully and completely fill out all the sections of application form and submit it. An application is required to register for all courses.
- Await notification. All correspondence will be through e-mail if you give an e-mail address in your application. Due to the large volume of applications, it may take up to two weeks before receiving notification.
- If your application is accepted then we require you to confirm you will be attending in order to secure your place in the course.
Centro de Meditación Vipassana Dhamma Neru
Disseminat Quarter Sanata 12
Apartado Postal 29
08460 Santa Maria de Palautordera
Barcelona, Spain
Tel: (+34) 93 848 26 95
Email: [email protected]
Tots els cursos d´Espanya | Centre: Dhamma Sacca | Meditació en Grup: Nord i Est | Meditació en Grup: Oest, Centre i Sud | Cursos de Nens y Adolescents |
La inscripció als cursos s'obrirà a les 8 del matí en horari local d'estiu i a les 7 del matí en horari local d'hivern.
- A la majoria de cursos les places s'esgoten en pocs segons..
- Omple la sol·licitud de la manera més detallada possible, afegint el nom exacte que figura al teu DNI o passaport.
- El sistema et guardarà la plaça durant un període de 30 minuts, que es regeneren cada cop que passis de pàgina.
- Els estudiants antics poden asseure's fins a un màxim de tres cursos en un any. El tercer curs no es pot fer ni per Setmana Santa, ni al juliol o agost, ni al curs de Nadal.
- Si no reps la nostra carta de confirmació, verifica la teva carpeta de correu no desitjat (spam). T'escriurem des del correu [email protected].
- Sol·licita plaça NOMÉS SI ESTÀS SEGUR DE PODER PARTICIPAR EN EL CURS. Les cancel·lacions d'última hora no ens permeten aprofitar la capacitat màxima del centre en no deixar-nos prou temps per tramitar noves incorporacions.
Pots sol·licitar-ho al botó de baix
See Comments for any special instructions for events in this section.
Attend / Serve | Dates | Course Type | Status | Location | Comments |
Apply* | 03 de Mai |
Children / Teens
espanyol |
Girls - Closed Boys - Closed Servers - Filling Up | Dhamma Neru, Santa Maria Palautordera - Barcelona | |
01 de Jul - 03 de Jul |
espanyol |
Applications accepted starting 17 de Mai | Dhamma Neru, Santa Maria Palautordera - Barcelona | ||
04 de Jul - 06 de Jul |
espanyol |
Applications accepted starting 20 de Mai | Dhamma Neru, Santa Maria Palautordera - Barcelona |
As a privacy measure, the online application form encrypts the information you provide us with before it is sent from your device to our application server.
To access the Old Student Regional Site please click A user name and password will be required to access these pages.
Questions may be addressed to Email: [email protected]
All courses are run solely on a donation basis. All expenses are met by donations from those who, having completed a course and experienced the benefits of Vipassana, wish to give others the same opportunity. Neither the Teacher nor the assistant teachers receive remuneration; they and those who serve the courses volunteer their time. Thus Vipassana is offered free from commercialisation.
Old students are those who have completed a 10-day Vipassana Meditation course with S.N. Goenka or his Assistant Teachers. Old students have the opportunity to provide Dhamma Service at the courses listed.
Bilingual courses are courses which are taught in two languages. All students will hear daily meditation instructions in both languages. The evening discourses will be heard separately.
Meditation courses are held at both center and non-center locations. Meditation centers are dedicated facilities where courses are held regularly throughout the year. Before meditation centers were established in this tradition, all courses were held at temporary sites, such as campgrounds, religious retreat centers, churches and the like. Today, in regions where centers have not yet been established by local students of Vipassana who live in the area, 10 Day meditation courses are held at non-center course sites.
10-day Courses are an introductory course to Vipassana Meditation where the technique is taught step-by-step each day. The courses begin after a 2 - 4 pm registration period and orientation, followed by 10 full days of meditation, and end the morning of the 11th day by 7:30 am.
Open Houses are held between meditation courses. All are welcome to attend and learn about Vipassana Meditation and the Center.
Children's Anapana Courses are open for all children aged 8-12 years old who wish to learn to meditate. Their parents/guardians do not have to be meditators.
Teenagers' Anapana Courses are open for all teenagers aged 13-18 years old who wish to learn to meditate. Their parents/guardians do not have to be meditators.
Old Student Course Qualification Requirements
Old Student Short Courses (1-3 days) are for any student who has completed the 10-day course with S.N. Goenka and his assistant teachers. All old students are welcome to apply to attend these courses, including those where it has been some time since their last course.
Old Student Course Qualification Requirements
Satipatthana Sutta Courses have the same timetable and discipline as 10-day courses. The difference is that in the taped evening discourses the Satipatthana Sutta is carefully examined. This is the principal text in which the technique of Vipassana is systematically explained. These courses are open to serious old students who have sat (not including courses served) at least three 10-day courses, have not been practising any other meditation techniques since last 10-day course, have been practising this technique of Vipassana for at least one year, and who are trying to maintain their meditation practice and the five precepts in their daily lives, at the very minimum from the time of applying to the course.
Service Periods have been set aside to work on a variety of Centre maintenance, construction, household and gardening projects. All Old Students are welcome to apply. The daily program will include three group sittings with morning and afternoon work periods. On selected evenings, there will be tapes played of special discourses and talks that S.N. Goenka has given to Old Students.